Friday, July 15, 2011

I like beer

In case you don't get the Tom T. Hall reference, listen up.

I like beer.  I also like wine, vodka and tequila, but since Microfestivus is coming up in August, I'll talk about drinking beer and festivals.
Microfestivus is that magical sweaty time in the hottest part of summer... a place relationships begin and end (OK maybe I'm the only person who has ever been dumped after an adult beverage festival), friendships are made in line for the porta-john and old acquaintances are avoided.  Beers are tested and loved or rejected.  People are friendly to strangers as they wait in line patiently for a 4 ounce taste of a yummy new beer.  Happy times.

This pic is from Big Lick Brewtopia 2011, in Salem VA.

This year is the 14th Microfestivus run by the Square Society in Roanoke VA.  It promises to be a freakin' good time.  I'm volunteering to pour beer for a couple of hours.  Hopefully it will be with Ommegang Brewery.  Come see me if you're there!  They make yummy Belgian style beer.  Good stuff.  If you want more info, you can check out Microfestivus here here and Ommegang here.

This one is from the first annual Rocktown Beer and Music Festival 2011, in Harrisonburg VA.
What is it with me and the giant sunglasses?  I just don't know.

What kind of beer do you drink?  What should I try this year?